The Thai Red curry paste is available in any asian markets. This dish is really simple to make as your paste is already available. When you choose the paste be careful to choose the veggie version in case you are a vegetarian too...
One key thing you will need to make thai foods is a Wok. These foods should be prepared at high heat, so that you can get the actual fried flavour. (dont burn it:-)!!). So if you dont have a Wok, get one a big one it will help!!).
Basil leaves
Bamboo Shoots
baby corn
Tofu (fried or soft however you like)
All the above veggies are must haves. Besides these you can add any veggie you want. I generally add
Red Bell peppers (as this gives good color to the dish)
Brocolli (even this sometimes:)!).
1. Heat your Wok and ensure it is hot.
2. Add your favourite oil (veggie / canola etc) to the Wok.
3. Add the red curry paste to the hot oil. Fry it immediately and ensure it is not burnt... once it is fried for 1 min... add all your veggies.
Add baboo shoots first and fry for a min so that the smell is gone!!
4. you might want to fry your Tofu first if you like fried tofu.
5. Once all your veggies are added add coconut milk after 30 sec.
6. Dilute the curry to your desired concentraion level by adding water.
Add salt and if you like it spicy add chilli flakes. (i dont add chilie flakes)
7. Let the veggies cook for 5 mins or so. DO NOT over cook the veggies like indian dishes:-).
8. Then add Fresh basil leaves to give the punch and nice aroma.
Take off from heat and serve with white rice. Enjoy the dish when its hot!!
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