Saturday, December 22, 2007

Pappula kaaralu - Rice and Peanut snack

This is my favourite snack which is made during festivals and my mom makes this very well!!. As we used to finish it in no time, my mom used to hide this and give us one chakkuli a day:-)!
Here is the recipe for it..

Rice Flour - 2 cups
Peanuts - 1 cup
Chillie powder - 1 tspn
Salt to taste

1. Fry peanuts and grind them to a fine paste
2. Mix peanut powder, rice flour, chillie pwder and salt.
3. Heat 3 tbspn oil and add it to this mixtire
4. Now mix the ingridients to make a nice soft dough.
5. Use a chakkuli maker and use the plain round shaper in it.
6. Put some dough in the chakkuli maker and sqeeze it out and make zig zag shapes with it.
7. Once oil is hot and you squeeze it, reduce the heat to med-low and fry it slowly. This way the snack will get a nice golden color.

Enjoy the snack at tea time also!