Sunday, January 17, 2010

Lavanga Latika(Sweet Dish)

Maida - 1 cup
Sugar - 1/2 cup
shredded coconut - 1/2 cup
Kaju powder - 2 tbspn
Baking Soda - 1 pinch
Elaichi powder - 1 tspn
Oil for mixing (use no water)
Food Color- Green 9preferable)
Kova - 1/2 cup
Jeedi Pappu
Cloves - few
1. mix Maida, Baking Soda and Elaichi powder. Mix well and knead. Add color and mix again. Let it sit for 30 mins
2. Take 1 tbspn of ghee and add sugar and Kova. Leep adding little ghee and add kaju powder. AFter mixing thoroughly let it cool.
3. Make smaal maida chapathis into a round shape (Puri Size)
4. Take ghee in apan for deep frying and fry the puris lightly into soft puris
5. Cut the puris into halfand fold like Samosa and stuff with the paste from point #2 and seal it with Clove. the shape would look like a paan like shape.
You can store this for around 3 days...

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